Poker Strategy Short Stack Strategy Handout

Welcome to Automatic Poker. Helping players win at No-Limit Hold’em Cash Games.

A Focus On Winning

The typical short stack in any cash game or tournament will have 40 Big Blinds or less. However, there are varying degrees of short stack poker as a 10BB stack will require a slightly different strategy than a 40BB stack, and it is important to be aware of these differences.

Many other strategies are only good at showing you how to talk poker. Automatic Poker is solely focused on teaching you the path of least resistance to actually winning money at the poker tables.

Turn Key Strategy

Easy to follow charts can be easily absorbed and immediately used by anyone, even complete novices. The goal is to build a solid foundation and then incrementally build in more advanced concepts as you go.

Simplified Learning​

Automatic Poker is a short stacking system designed around the core fundamentals of poker. All strategies are solidly based in theory with a focus on simplifying and clarifying the learning process.​

Poker Strategy Short Stack Strategy Handout

“Automatic Poker helps people quickly master the skills needed to become profitable in poker”

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Actual graph of recent results during “beta testing” of our charts

Ed miller short stack strategy

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Ed Miller Short Stack Strategy

“Automatic Poker is a simple and direct approach to winning poker. The theories are applied, used, and presented in a way that will benefit a reader of all skill levels…. this ‘strategy’ isnt about hype or false promises of making millions of dollars… it is about grinding, working hard, and developing skills, winning mindsets, and approaches to playing.”
“I spent most of my time playing sit and goes and tournaments but wanted to transition to cash games. If your like me or are just starting to play poker then playing with a shorter stack makes a lot of sense. 100 big blind stacks can be pretty awkward to play with and very easy to make costly mistakes with. Short stacking simplifies things and Automatic Poker is the best info I’ve seen on playing with a short stack”
“This book is not just about shortstacking; it offers a great strategy for beginners (position and aggression) to start off and win with… as a long time TAG shortstacker, I was very impressed by the accuracy of the preflop strategies that confirmed my own. I was enlightened by the loose yet profitable postflop strategies that will bring my game to a much higher level..”