Casino Joe Pesci Desert Scene

Nicky Santoro:
Where the f*** do you get off talking to people about me behind my back going over my head?

Ace Rothstein:
What people?

Nicky Santoro:
What did you think, I wasn't gonna find out?

  • Shop Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci in Casino 24x36 Poster desert scene and more music, movie, and TV memorabilia at Amazon's Entertainment Collectibles Store.
  • Joe Pesci bore some natural resemblance to Tony 'The Ant' Spilotro, upon whom his character was based. In make-up, he looked even more like Spilotro, so much so that, according to Pileggi, when Pesci entered the casino where the movie was being shot, some pit bosses who'd had personal dealings with Spilotro 'almost fainted'.

Casino Desert Scene - Joe Pesci Text to Speech by Sid Mayhem. JOE PESCI x ROBERT DENIRO x #MoBSHiT PROMO by Borgata MoB. Robert DeNiro and Joe Pesci (Goodfellas by DamageCase1970. Jabba the Hut and C3PO perform the.

Ace Rothstein:
I don't know what your talking about Nick.

Nicky Santoro:
No? You said I'm bring heat on you? I've gotta listen to people because of your f***in' shit? Your ordering me out? You better get your own f***in' army pal.


Ace Rothstein:
I didn't do anything. I didn't order you or anybody. I just told Andy Stone that you had alot of heat on you. That's a problem?

Nicky Santoro:
You want me to get out of my own f***in' town?

Ace Rothstein:
Yeah. I just want the bullshit to blow over for a while so I can run the casino. If anything goes wrong with the casino, it's my ass. It's not yours, it's my ass.

Nicky Santoro:
Listen. I don't know if you know this or not but you only have your f***in' casino because I made that possible. I'm what counts out here. Not your f***in' country clubs, or your f***in' TV shows. And what the f*** are you doing on TV anyhow? You know I get calls from back home every f***in' day? They think you went bad shit.

Ace Rothstein:
I only go on TV to get the food and beverage job. You know that.

Nicky Santoro:
You f***in' ass! You could've had the food and beverage job without going on television. You wanted to go on TV!

Ace Rothstein:
Your right. I did want to go on TV. That way I can have a form. I can fight back. I'm known. People see me. They know they can't f*** around with me like they could if I was unknown.

Nicky Santoro:
You made a big f***in' spectacle of yourself.

Ace Rothstein:
Me? I wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for you. I mean, you brought down so much f***in' heat on me. Everytime I meet somebody, the big question is, 'Do I know you?'

Nicky Santoro:
Oh sure. Now you wanna bring your f***in' license on me now. Is that it?

Ace Rothstein:
Nicky, what I tell you when you asked me if you could come out here? Now I knew you were gonna come out no matter what I said, but did I tell you? Do you remember what I told you?

Nicky Santoro:
Wait. Back up one f***in' minute here. Just one minute. I asked you? When the f*** did I ever ask you if I could come out here?

Ace Rothstein:
You never...

Nicky Santoro:
Get this through your head. Get this through your head you jew motherf***er you. You only exist out here because of me. That's the only reason. Without me, you personally, and every f***in' wiseguy still around, would be taking a piece of your f***in' jew ass! Then where are you gonna go? Your f***in' warned. Don't you ever go over my head again! You jew motherf***er you!

Revealing mistake: At the beginning of the film where Robert De Niro gets into his car and it explodes, you can clearly see the cut where they have replaced him with a dummy. (00:00:50)

Revealing mistake: Near the end when Ace gets into his Cadillac, in the first shot facing the front of the car, there is a protective glass in front of Ace (the same width as the windshield) with the dashboard in between that glass and the windshield. Note the vertical edge of the glass is visible at the right side, and the rearview mirror's sticker on the windshield casts a shadow onto the second glass. During the stunt, the flames on the dashboard are between the glass shield and the windshield, keeping the actor safe from harm. (02:46:05)

Super Grover

Revealing mistake: When Sharon Stone gets thrown out of Joe Pesci's club, you can clearly see the pads on Stone's hand's to break the impact of the fall.

Visible crew/equipment: When Robert De Niro goes to meet Joe Pesci in the desert, the whole crew is reflected on the side of the car.

Casino Joe Pesci Desert Scene

Continuity mistake: When Joe Pesci is beaten and then buried - look at the blood on his chest. In one shot it is all over - the next it is just a smaller patch.

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Joe Pesci is beaten in the corn fields, if you look closely at the bats you will see them bend ridiculously on impact with his body. Foam bats anyone?

Continuity mistake: When Remo Gaggi is talking to Andy Stone about Ace cussing out the Board, there's a pack of cigarettes beside Gaggi in his car. The camera angle changes to show Stone's face, who is outside the car, and when it flips back to Gaggi, there is a Zippo lighter in place of the cigarettes. The camera goes back to Stone, and when it comes back again, the Zippo is gone and the cigarettes are back. And to top it all off, not once did Remo smoke in this scene.

Continuity mistake: When Joe Pesci is stabbing the guy with a pen that insulted Ace, the pen is shown without blood after there was significant blood on it the cut before, then it goes back to having blood on it.

Continuity mistake: When Ace fires Don Ward, the shot is on Ace and you can see Don turn away. When the shot changes to Don, you see him turn away again.

William Bergquist

Audio problem: After Pesci and De Niro's meeting in the desert, Pesci gets into his car and you distinctly hear the sound of tyres peeling out. Am I wrong or is this impossible on sand?

Continuity mistake: When Robert De Niro is at the restaurant with Sharon Stone and catches her with James Woods, the menu under his hands goes from being horizontal to vertical.


Continuity mistake: When Artie Viscano is complaining to his brother in law about Las Vegas, he backs into about 10 bottles. They all fall except for two, and then the scene cuts to to his brother in law and when the scene cuts back to Viscano, all the bottles are back up.

Continuity mistake: After meeting with Ginger about Lester being beaten up, Nicky is about to leave. Before he does, Ginger hugs him and puts her arms around his neck. In the next shot her right arm has suddenly moved and her elbow is now bent. (01:19:50)


Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where DeNiro is throwing Sharon Stone's character out of the house after overhearing her on the telephone, he drags her into the bedroom. Just before the scene cuts away, the camera appears in the mirror on the wall behind them.

Continuity mistake: When Joe Pesci and his brother are beaten and then buried, you see one bat and then suddenly, appearing from nowhere, three bats. Sometimes they are blood covered, then clean, then blood covered again. (02:47:30 - 02:48:25)


Joe Pesci Casino Character

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Sharon Stone is talking to Joe Pesci about how De Niro had his guys beat up James Woods, there are 4 security monitors on the desk behind Sharon Stone. First, the top left monitor goes out. Next only the bottom right monitor is on. Then all four monitors are off. Finally, all four monitors are on again. (01:18:05 - 01:19:20)

Factual error: In the jewelry robbery montage, Joe Pesci is shown holding a rechargeable Mag-Lite flashlight which would not have been available at that time.

Joe Pesci Casino

Revealing mistake: In the scene where Pesci's character is being buried alive, the body is quite obviously a fake: look at the mechanical way the head moves, and the movement of the chest intended to simulate breathing, not very convincingly.

Revealing mistake: When Nance comes stumbling out of the Costa Rican house holding his stomach, you can tell he is holding a mouth full of blood that he spits out when he gets shot in the head.

Casino Joe Pesci Scene

William Bergquist

Audio problem: In the scene where Sharon Stone is talking to Joe Pesci about how De Niro had his guys beat up James Woods, at one point Sharon Stone says, 'Oh C'mon.' If you look closely her mouth doesn't move at all. Also if you listen closely, that line comes out on surround sound. When she continues her line it comes out on mono. It was obviously recorded.